“Jesus said, ‘Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.’ If you’re not fishing, you’re not following.” Steve Lawson[view]
If the gospel we preach does not exalt God, magnify Christ, and humble man, it is not the gospel. Steve Lawson[view]
Life is short, death is sure; sin the curse, Christ the cure. Steve Lawson[view]
Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, it is a gift for the guilty. Steve Lawson[view]
The cross is the very center of true Christianity. It is where the wrath of God toward sinners is fully satisfied and where sinners are reconciled to God. Steve Lawson[view]
The power of the gospel is greater than any erupting volcano or explosive bomb. It alone can save lives and transform them into what they must become. Steve Lawson[view]
We do not go to heaven by climbing a ladder of good works. Nor by pulling ourselves up by our good morality. But by trusting in Jesus Christ who died upon the cross. Steve Lawson[view]
We've so elevated the love of God over the wrath of God that we've air conditioned hell. Steve Lawson[view]
You ought to be able to be awakened at 3 am and within 2 seconds be able to explain what the gospel is. Steve Lawson[view]